A New Campaign Yields Big Results

Empowering the Voices of Survivors

In 2023 Jump partnered with The Angel Band Project, a nonprofit organization that uses the power of music to support survivors of sexual violence and intimate partner violence, to help launch their first annual giving campaign. With a goal of $60,000, the Raise a Voice campaign set out to empower the voices of up to 190 survivors by providing them with no-cost access to music therapy.

The campaign included email, direct mail and phone calls by staff and key volunteers, all driving to a dedicated landing page for donations. We are thrilled to report that not only did The Angel Band Project meet their goal, but they exceeded it. Jump is honored to have played a role in supporting programs that foster connection, self-worth, confidence and emotional well-being for hundreds of survivors.

If you are interested in learning more about The Angel Band Project or the transformative power of their music therapy workshops, visit angelbandproject.org.

Jump Company Supports The Angel Band Project

The Angel Band Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit created to use the power of music to provide healing, raise awareness, and promote positive social change for survivors of sexual violence and intimate partner violence. Angel Band believes music has the power to change hearts and minds. Through album projects, concert events, speaking engagements and music-based arts initiatives, Angel Band educates people on the survivor’s journey, while advocating for the rights of all survivors.

For the past five years, Jump Company has partnered with Angel Band to develop their website and promote their events. This year, Jump is providing promotional marketing for their raffles in advance of their annual event on November 4, 2023, including flyers, social media posts and targeted emails as well as event communication to attendees.

For more information on how you can support the mission of The Angel Band Project, visit https://www.angelbandproject.org.